Eindversie webpagina wonder2.jpg

Studio MARC is on a quest to create a sense of wonder about man and nature.

Studio MARC is a conceptual and spatial designer. He designs installations, products and concepts and conducts research into the reuse of waste materials. With playfulness, humour and creating a sense of wonder, the threshold is kept low to explore connections between man and environment. His designs create awareness and stimulate critical thinking. To find out what we find important and which steps we want to take in the future.


Writing isn’t really my thing, so here is a video where I explain who I am and what I do. This is me pitching Studio MARC at the Dutch Design Week 2019. The cherry on the cake of a 10- month coaching and master class track for young designers called Driving Dutch Design sponsored by ABN AMRO Bank, BNO and Dutch Design Foundation.



Work in progress

Follow me on Instagram to see more of my day-to-day experiments, events, failings and progress. On Linkedin you can find my professional profile.